Practical SIL Verification: What End-Users Need to Know
Why SIL Verification is Critical
SIL verification is critical to ensure that SIFs meet the requirements of the IEC 61511 standard. As an end user, you rely on EPCs, system integrators, and safety equipment suppliers to provide you with compliant SIFs. However, many certified FS Engineers and FS Professionals lack practical experience in SIL verification, which can lead to non-compliant SIFs. This significant problem could put your operations and company at risk.Verifying Risk Reductions Factors or PFDavgs is not enough!
n the field of functional safety, how do we ensure that the work performed to design, install, commission, operate and maintain the SIF loop(s) is done correctly? Many end users today carry out HAZOPs and LOPAs to determine Target Risk Reduction Factors (RRFs) or PFDavgs. They then verify the SIFs design by calculating the resulting RRFs/PFDavgs. But if this is the answer, we are far from the truth.The Gap in Practical Experience
Last week, Risknowlogy successfully conducted a SIL Verification and Calculation workshop according to IEC 61511, teaching participants how to verify safety instrumented functions. The workshop addressed the practicality of verifying the SRS, the SIL Devices (including the reading of SIL Certificates), the HW architecture, and the PFD calculations. The workshop also addressed the verification of the application program, which functional safety engineers and professionals often do not address. And last but not least, the verification of basic safety and user documentation. The workshop aimed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical experience, giving participants the skills they need to perform SIL verifications correctly.Risknowlogy's SIL Verification and Calculation Workshop
By attending Risknowlogy's SIL Verification and Calculation workshop, you can better understand SIL verification and ensure that you receive SIFs that comply with the IEC 61511 standard. The workshop is designed to give participants hands-on experience with SIL verification, including practical examples and exercises. You'll learn how to verify the SRS, SIL Devices, HW architecture, PFD calculations, and application program and basic safety and user documentation.At Risknowlogy, we are committed to helping end users in the process, oil & gas, and chemical industry receive safety instrumented functions that are compliant with IEC 61511. Sign up for our next SIL Verification and Calculation workshop and learn how to verify safety instrumented functions correctly.